Please I would greatly apprciate it if you can help me with the full stanza(s), chorus and lyrics of this song: “Within The Veil, I Now Would Come”
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
I would be VERY GRATEFUL if my request is granted.
Please I would greatly apprciate it if you can help me with the full stanza(s), chorus and lyrics of this song: “Within The Veil, I Now Would Come”
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
I would be VERY GRATEFUL if my request is granted.
Hollow, I would be much appreciative if you could send me the lyrics of “Mount Zion” by Helen Baylor & Phil Driscoll through Thank you very much.
I am looking for a book with music and words to:
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
Thank you so much for your labor of love for our Lord. I am not selling anything, nor am I an employee of any Christian ministry. I am simply a fellow lover and follower of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ sharing my burden for the North American church to be a more cost efficient and effective force for our Lord. Please consider the possibility of expanding your church’s outreach further around the world, and with less resources than your current great commission budget. Without the faithfulness of pastors like yours in “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry to wit that God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto Himself”, God’s work will continue to suffer. We American Christians have everything we need to complete the great commission. We only lack Vision! There are Christians in every country (not every language). We also have the means of mass coverage and individual follow-up.
I truly believe God has blessed America in part because we have sent out so many missionaries around the world, but approximately 60% of our current world’s 6 billion people, or 3 billion, 600 million people live in countries closed to our American missionaries for evangelism. Today there are multiplied millions of Christian-pastors, evangelists and workers around the world working, but who have little or no resources for mass coverage and discipleship.
We American Christians have also exported the Bible and Christian literature worldwide, but again there is a limit to this outreach. A substantial number (hundreds of millions) around the world are illiterate. These people cannot read the written word no matter how many bibles, tracts, or books we send.
In light of “to whom much is given much is required “, my prayer is that we might be better stewards of the wealth God has loaned us for His work and that He might continue to trust us with it. It is not our responsibility to convert America and then evangelize the rest of the world. It is not our responsibility to convert anyone—period, but to evangelize. We spend the majority of our efforts preaching to the evangelized but unconverted while millions, perhaps billions have never been evangelized.
Now I would like to get back to my original question. Would you please take a just a moment to consider the possibility of expanding your outreach worldwide and with less resources (in other words, more bang for your buck). 95% of our North American church $ is being used to reach 5% of the population of our world (America). 4.5% (most of what we give for foreign missions) is going to the same groups of people, 1.5% goes to reach those who have never heard. Over the past 40 years I have found certain Christian ministries to be the most cost-efficient and effective. The following ministries concentrate on the truly unevangelized people and use a means of evangelism that the illiterate and closed country populace can benefit from:
HI works in 180 countries. They train proven Christian military, political, religious, business, medical, ect, leaders in the how of evangelizing their own people and passing their training on to other Christians. HI has trained over 70,000 national leaders in 180 countries who each try to train at least 100 others, to train 100 others etc. These 70,000 have passed on their evangelism methods to over 7 million others. An average American “career” missionary and their family will cost $1,000,000 plus with their education, language training, trips to and from the field, and monthly support. Our missionaries must then adjust to a new culture, food, and climate, and are many times mistrusted as outsiders. Keep in mind that 60% of our worlds’ population live in countries closed to our American missionaries for evangelism. National Christians know the language, people, are used to the climate and food, and are more easily known and trusted by the people. HI has even trained leaders from Arab Moslem countries and China. Many of these soul-winners in many nations are turning their countries upside down, and, with HI, for what it would cost to support one American “career” missionary and family for life you could train 30, 50, or 100 nationals (depending on the exchange rate of the country). These National Christian leaders are first of all screened and proven leaders, secondly much better qualified because of their background, and thirdly, once they return home they are self-supporting. HI will send detailed statistics if you wish.
Trans World Radio
P.O. Box 8700
Cary, NC 27512-8700
(PH: 919-460-3700)
TWR is broadcasting to 160 countries in over 225 languages and are working on the remaining languages. Hundreds of millions of people on our planet today cannot read a bible, or tract, but can hear the gospel, if presented to them in their own language. Radio has and is playing a major role in world evangelism. Here in America very few of us listen to foreign radio, but in other countries radio is the only affordable media option for the masses. TWR has had a unique impact on closed countries. Each year hundreds of thousands of letters are received from all over the world telling of salvation, churches being started, and lives changed. By radio TWR is evangelizing, training Christians, and training pastors and evangelists. Radio waves are going into countries and homes where our missionaries would be imprisoned, beaten, or martyred for sharing Christ. You can specify any country in which TWR is working to which you wish your gift to be given to reach. TWR will send detailed statistics if you wish.
The JESUS Film Project
P.O. Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32862-8222
(Ph: 407-826-2400)
The JESUS Film Project has made a film of the life of Christ. Filmed in Israel, and taken directly from the gospel of Luke. The film has been shown to several billion people so far in 236 countries with over 225 million professions of faith. These new Christians are then grounded in the faith and many new churches are started. This film is shown in over 1,050 languages with a goal of translation into all the languages of the world. Dollar for dollar this is the most profitable soul-winning ministry I have come across in my 40 plus years of research (on the average for every one dollar you give one soul is saved). If you know of a more productive ministry, I would like to be a part of it.
Gospel Recordings sends workers to areas where the gospel has not yet penetrated. These dedicated workers painstakingly record the languages, take the recordings home, and return later with the gospel and an invitation in the language of the tribe or group on cassette. The workers leave a durable cassette player and gospel cassettes with the people. Many of these previously unreached people groups have come to Christ as a result. GR have made the gospel available in over 5,772 languages and are working toward completion of all languages. GR concentrate on smaller language groups that are not economically feasible to reach for mass coverage means like radio, television, film etc.
I am not an employee of any of these ministries. If you know of any outreach comparable to these (reaching new languages and closed countries), please forward the info to me. For further study, read my free ebook “Building Eternity From A Bed Of Roses,” at the “Christianity Oasis” website under “Purity Publishers,” free books.
Yours in Christ,
Vic Morton
I would be much grateful if you could send me the lyrics of “Mount Zion” by Helen Baylor (with Phil Driscoll) into mail. i desperately want it.
Moses Simiyu
July 21st, 2008 at 3:33 am
Hello I desperately need the Lyrics of “The cross said it all ” by Kim Hopper. Anyone with them please sent them to me on
Elijah Umoren
July 24th, 2008 at 1:48 am
He will supply by Kirk Franklin
Be Exalted by Marvin Sapp
Change my World by Martha Munizzi
ogbonna emmanuel
July 25th, 2008 at 11:35 am
Dearly Beloved,
Calvary greetings in Jesus Mighty Name!
Please I would greatly apprciate it if you can help me with the full stanza(s), chorus and lyrics of this song: “Within The Veil, I Now Would Come”
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
I would be VERY GRATEFUL if my request is granted.
Thank you and God bless you richly!
Yours in Christ,
Emmanuel Ogbonna
ogbonna emmanuel
July 25th, 2008 at 11:43 am
Calvary greetings in Jesus Mighty Name!
Please I would greatly apprciate it if you can help me with the full stanza(s), chorus and lyrics of this song: “Within The Veil, I Now Would Come”
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
I would be VERY GRATEFUL if my request is granted.
Thank you and God bless you richly!
Yours in Christ,
Emmanuel Ogbonna
August 19th, 2008 at 4:04 am
may i get lyrics of when i call on jesus by nicole c mullen
Emmanuel Kwame Amponsah
September 16th, 2008 at 4:53 am
Hollow, I would be much appreciative if you could send me the lyrics of “Mount Zion” by Helen Baylor & Phil Driscoll through Thank you very much.
Yours in Christ.
Emmanuel Kwame Amponsah
October 4th, 2008 at 7:31 am
may i get a lyrics of mary`s born child/oh my lord… sung by Boney M.
BG Hayes
October 23rd, 2008 at 7:21 am
I’m looking for the words to the new song by Ernie Haase and Signature Sound…”that’s the reason… believe.”
I can’t remember the words in between.
mohammed Ramat
October 25th, 2008 at 2:47 am
hello dearly beloved.
i would like to have d full lyrics of Nicole nd cece’s songsssssssssss
darkey mcfritz
November 6th, 2008 at 11:08 am
please helpme find the lyrics of “my help”
ololade toluwanimi
November 12th, 2008 at 7:14 am
pls i need lyrics of
mercy said no
Marilisa Forcella
November 19th, 2008 at 4:50 pm
Hello beloved, I would like to have the lyrics of the song Friend of God. Thank’s and God bless you
rene o. buenavista
December 4th, 2008 at 1:08 am
please help me find the lyrics of “chariot of fire”
luisa fusi
April 16th, 2009 at 6:32 pm
can you plizz, send me the lycric of no one and more than what i wanted by cece winans and victory, i gotta belive and victory by yolanda adams
Nana Apenteng Sakyi
October 2nd, 2009 at 11:35 am
October 8th, 2009 at 9:21 pm
thank u…for all lyrics…hehe…i so happy can sing every song…
January 2nd, 2010 at 9:57 am
edna aparecida almeida soares
January 2nd, 2010 at 9:58 am
quero me inscrever no site como procedo???
Sue Parton
February 17th, 2010 at 3:01 pm
I am looking for a book with music and words to:
The hymn “Within the veil I Now Would Come
Into the Holy Place to look upon Thy face;
I see such beauty there, no other can compare,
I worship Thee, my Lord, within the veil”
The song is attributed to Ruth Dryden and copyright 1978 by Genesis Music.
Vic Morton
September 20th, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you so much for your labor of love for our Lord. I am not selling anything, nor am I an employee of any Christian ministry. I am simply a fellow lover and follower of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ sharing my burden for the North American church to be a more cost efficient and effective force for our Lord. Please consider the possibility of expanding your church’s outreach further around the world, and with less resources than your current great commission budget. Without the faithfulness of pastors like yours in “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry to wit that God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto Himself”, God’s work will continue to suffer. We American Christians have everything we need to complete the great commission. We only lack Vision! There are Christians in every country (not every language). We also have the means of mass coverage and individual follow-up.
I truly believe God has blessed America in part because we have sent out so many missionaries around the world, but approximately 60% of our current world’s 6 billion people, or 3 billion, 600 million people live in countries closed to our American missionaries for evangelism. Today there are multiplied millions of Christian-pastors, evangelists and workers around the world working, but who have little or no resources for mass coverage and discipleship.
We American Christians have also exported the Bible and Christian literature worldwide, but again there is a limit to this outreach. A substantial number (hundreds of millions) around the world are illiterate. These people cannot read the written word no matter how many bibles, tracts, or books we send.
In light of “to whom much is given much is required “, my prayer is that we might be better stewards of the wealth God has loaned us for His work and that He might continue to trust us with it. It is not our responsibility to convert America and then evangelize the rest of the world. It is not our responsibility to convert anyone—period, but to evangelize. We spend the majority of our efforts preaching to the evangelized but unconverted while millions, perhaps billions have never been evangelized.
Now I would like to get back to my original question. Would you please take a just a moment to consider the possibility of expanding your outreach worldwide and with less resources (in other words, more bang for your buck). 95% of our North American church $ is being used to reach 5% of the population of our world (America). 4.5% (most of what we give for foreign missions) is going to the same groups of people, 1.5% goes to reach those who have never heard. Over the past 40 years I have found certain Christian ministries to be the most cost-efficient and effective. The following ministries concentrate on the truly unevangelized people and use a means of evangelism that the illiterate and closed country populace can benefit from:
Haggai Institute
P.O. Box 13
Atlanta, GA 30370
(PH: 770-449-8869)
HI works in 180 countries. They train proven Christian military, political, religious, business, medical, ect, leaders in the how of evangelizing their own people and passing their training on to other Christians. HI has trained over 70,000 national leaders in 180 countries who each try to train at least 100 others, to train 100 others etc. These 70,000 have passed on their evangelism methods to over 7 million others. An average American “career” missionary and their family will cost $1,000,000 plus with their education, language training, trips to and from the field, and monthly support. Our missionaries must then adjust to a new culture, food, and climate, and are many times mistrusted as outsiders. Keep in mind that 60% of our worlds’ population live in countries closed to our American missionaries for evangelism. National Christians know the language, people, are used to the climate and food, and are more easily known and trusted by the people. HI has even trained leaders from Arab Moslem countries and China. Many of these soul-winners in many nations are turning their countries upside down, and, with HI, for what it would cost to support one American “career” missionary and family for life you could train 30, 50, or 100 nationals (depending on the exchange rate of the country). These National Christian leaders are first of all screened and proven leaders, secondly much better qualified because of their background, and thirdly, once they return home they are self-supporting. HI will send detailed statistics if you wish.
Trans World Radio
P.O. Box 8700
Cary, NC 27512-8700
(PH: 919-460-3700)
TWR is broadcasting to 160 countries in over 225 languages and are working on the remaining languages. Hundreds of millions of people on our planet today cannot read a bible, or tract, but can hear the gospel, if presented to them in their own language. Radio has and is playing a major role in world evangelism. Here in America very few of us listen to foreign radio, but in other countries radio is the only affordable media option for the masses. TWR has had a unique impact on closed countries. Each year hundreds of thousands of letters are received from all over the world telling of salvation, churches being started, and lives changed. By radio TWR is evangelizing, training Christians, and training pastors and evangelists. Radio waves are going into countries and homes where our missionaries would be imprisoned, beaten, or martyred for sharing Christ. You can specify any country in which TWR is working to which you wish your gift to be given to reach. TWR will send detailed statistics if you wish.
The JESUS Film Project
P.O. Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32862-8222
(Ph: 407-826-2400)
The JESUS Film Project has made a film of the life of Christ. Filmed in Israel, and taken directly from the gospel of Luke. The film has been shown to several billion people so far in 236 countries with over 225 million professions of faith. These new Christians are then grounded in the faith and many new churches are started. This film is shown in over 1,050 languages with a goal of translation into all the languages of the world. Dollar for dollar this is the most profitable soul-winning ministry I have come across in my 40 plus years of research (on the average for every one dollar you give one soul is saved). If you know of a more productive ministry, I would like to be a part of it.
Gospel Recordings
41823 Enterprise Circle North
Temecula, CA 92590 (PH:951-719-1650)
Gospel Recordings sends workers to areas where the gospel has not yet penetrated. These dedicated workers painstakingly record the languages, take the recordings home, and return later with the gospel and an invitation in the language of the tribe or group on cassette. The workers leave a durable cassette player and gospel cassettes with the people. Many of these previously unreached people groups have come to Christ as a result. GR have made the gospel available in over 5,772 languages and are working toward completion of all languages. GR concentrate on smaller language groups that are not economically feasible to reach for mass coverage means like radio, television, film etc.
I am not an employee of any of these ministries. If you know of any outreach comparable to these (reaching new languages and closed countries), please forward the info to me. For further study, read my free ebook “Building Eternity From A Bed Of Roses,” at the “Christianity Oasis” website under “Purity Publishers,” free books.
Yours in Christ,
Vic Morton
March 1st, 2011 at 7:40 am
I would be much grateful if you could send me the lyrics of “Mount Zion” by Helen Baylor (with Phil Driscoll) into mail. i desperately want it.